Recently, we separated the updates and communications for the West Seattle Link Extension and Ballard Link Extension. As a result, each project now has its own page to access information and provide feedback. You can update your email subscription to get information about the project you are most interested in.
November 2016: Sound Transit 3 voter approved Sound Transit 3 (ST3) is approved by voters. This plan includes adding 62 new miles of light rail, totaling more than 116 miles with over 80 stations added to the region. Part of this plan includes the West Seattle Link and Ballard Link Extensions (WSBLE) projects, other projects like the bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on the Eastside, additional capacity for the Sounder South line, and access improvements to stations for all modes of travel. 2017 – 2019: WSBLE Alternatives Development October 2017: West Seattle Link and Ballard Link Extensions project kicks off the planning phase of the project. The phase is part of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) environmental review process. January 2018: Sound Transit hosts the first Stakeholder Advisory Group and Elected Leadership Group meetings to introduce the project and share what to expect for the alternatives development phase. February – March 2018: Sound Transit hosts early scoping open houses and a comment period to collect public feedback on the ST3 representative project and gather new ideas to inform development of additional route and station location alternatives. March 2018 – April 2019: Sound Transit develops and refines alternatives based on technical evaluations, as well as feedback from the public, Stakeholder Advisory Group, Elected Leadership Group, and Sound Transit Board of Directors. The project goes through three levels of evaluation between early scoping and scoping to help further refine alternatives. February – March 2019: Sound Transit hosts scoping open houses and a comment period to collect public feedback on the alternatives to date and topics to study in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). May 2019: The Sound Transit Board reviews the alternatives, evaluation results, public feedback, and the recommendations of the Elected Leadership Group and identifies the preferred alternative and other alternatives to study in the WSBLE Draft EIS. May – October 2019: The Sound Transit Board directs staff to conduct initial assessments on additional route and station options that were suggested during the public scoping period, to establish whether further study in the WSBLE Draft EIS is appropriate. 2019 – 2023 WSBLE Draft Environmental Impact Statement May 2019 – December 2021: Sound Transit develops the WSBLE Draft EIS, a document that describes the multiple alternatives being considered, and how each alternative might affect the natural and built environment and transportation systems, both during construction and final operation of the light rail lines. November 2019 – January 2020: Sound Transit conducts extensive engagement efforts to gather public feedback regarding WSBLE Station Planning. Sound Transit hosts neighborhood forums and community briefings throughout the project corridor. November 2021 – May 2022: Sound Transit kicks off Community Advisory Groups to review and discuss WSBLE Draft EIS findings with community members throughout the corridor. Meetings are online and open to the public. January 2022 – April 2022: The Draft EIS is published for a 90-day public review and comment period. Comments are accepted via email, mail, voicemail, comment form, at a virtual public hearing, or an in-person open house. All the details can be found here. Sound Transit receives over 5000 comments. Additionally, in partnership with the City of Seattle and King County, Sound Transit publishes the WSBLE Station Planning Progress Report alongside the WSBLE Draft EIS to help communities understand the opportunities and challenges of the different alternatives. July 2022: After reviewing the Draft EIS and the comments from Tribes, the public and agency partners, the Sound Transit Board identifies the preferred alternative for the West Seattle Link Extension (WSLE) and requested further studies for the Ballard Link Extension (BLE). Read the July 2022 Board Motion and press release for more information. August 2022 – March 2023: Sound Transit conducts further studies that included six workshops and open houses and three online surveys for WSBLE. For an overview of the further studies conducted for both extensions and the results, read the Further Studies Executive Summary and reports. March and July 2023: The Sound Transit Board identifies a preferred alternative for the BLE. Refinements to WSLE alternatives from the further studies are being incorporated into the WSLE Final EIS. Read the March Board Motion, July Board Motion, and press release for more information. September 2023: Given additional environmental review needed for project refinements for BLE resulting from the Sound Transit Board action in March 2023, environmental review for the WSLE and BLE projects proceed on different timelines. 2023 - 2024: West Seattle Link Extension (WSLE)’s Final Environmental Impact Statement Fall 2023 to Spring 2024: Sound Transit and the City of Seattle jointly engage in WSLE station planning engagement to update travel patterns and community priorities by hosting community briefings, online survey, drop-in, in-language focus groups, and open houses in the neighborhood, and published theWSLE Station and Access Planning Engagement Report. Mid-2024: Sound Transit is expected to publish the WSLE Final Environmental Impact Statement.
Pre-Draft EIS publication Sound Transit contacts potentially affected property owners Draft EIS publication Draft EIS available for public review and comments Sound Transit Board confirms or modifies the preferred alternative based on comments from the public, agency partners and Tribes Final EIS publication Sound Transit Board selects projects to be built Final Design Sound Transit identifies property rights needed to construct, operate and maintain the system Sound Transit Board authorizes property purchases Sound Transit will prepare an appraisal to determine fair market value of property needed for the projects Sound Transit will provide relocation assistance to people and businesses displaced by the projects, including referrals to comparable properties and payment of moving costs Sound Transit staff are available to support property owners and tenants through this process