Alaska Junction Station


In October 2024, the Sound Transit Board selected the project to be built. The Alaska Junction Station will be in a tunnel beneath 41st Avenue Southwest and Southwest Alaska Street. This page provides the information regarding the future station we shared at the recent Station Planning Open House in Fall 2023. We will continue to refine the design as the project moves through the final design phase.

Station pages

Choose a station to view more maps and information or learn more about station planning.

  • Interest in stations closer to the Alaska Junction.
  • Create a destination that reinforces the character of the neighborhood and supports businesses on California Ave Southwest.
  • Prioritize pedestrian connectivity and comfort with enhanced street crossings, wide sidewalks, and pedestrian lighting.
  • Complete bike connections to the station.
  • Investigate ways to connect the station to the future public park on 40th Avenue Southwest with mid-block pathways.
  • Integrate station and new development into the existing neighborhood character.
  • Consider how the future light rail would continue to the south.
  • Improve the five-way intersection at Fauntleroy Way Southwest and Southwest Alaska St so it is easier to cross.

Alaska Junction Station preferred alternative

Diagrams show approximate representation of project location, design elements, and access concepts and are for illustrative purposes only. Additional information about project benefits and impacts will be available in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, anticipated to be published in mid-2024. If you have questions about potentially affected properties, please contact the project team.