Delridge Station
In October 2024, the Sound Transit Board selected the project to be built. The Delridge Station will be elevated north of Southwest Andover Street and west of Delridge Way Southwest in a northeast-southwest orientation. This page provides the information regarding the future station we shared at the recent Station Planning Open House in Fall 2023. We will continue to refine the design as the project moves through the final design phase.
Station pages
Choose a station to view more maps and information or learn more about station planning.
- General support for lower height alternatives that would lead to tunnels in the West Seattle Junction Segment to minimize neighborhood impacts.
- Opposition to tall guideway structures that feel out of character with the existing neighborhood context and would result in visual and noise impacts.
- Concern about freight traffic and station access near Nucor Steel.
- The need for efficient, easy transfers to/from buses, especially for low-income and minority populations connecting from the south.
- Support for equitable transit-oriented development at the Delridge Station, regardless of alternative; including mixed-use development with groceries and fresh food retail to serve the neighborhood.
- Optimize the light rail experience and community amenities while minimizing displacement of existing uses.
- Walking and biking connections are important, but bus transfers should be prioritized.
- Strengthen connectivity to informal local trails off 26th Avenue Southwest and provide traffic calming.
- Preserve and protect the Longfellow Creek watershed.
- Need better east-west connections and improve the walking and biking environment on Delridge Way SW, which currently feels unsafe.
Delridge Station preferred alternative
Diagrams show approximate representation of project location, design elements, and access concepts and are for illustrative purposes only. Additional information about project benefits and impacts will be available in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, anticipated to be published in mid-2024. If you have questions about potentially affected properties, please contact the project team.